Monday, June 28, 2004


THE BEST HAND: Even if you have a pair on the board, sometimes you're not the favorite to win the pot. A good example was in a Daniel Negreanu column a few months back. I quote:

With the blinds at $600-$1,200 and a $100 ante, I limped in from under the gun with the Ac-6c. Mike raised it $3,000 more (no surprise here). When I limped, I was obviously aware of the fact that it would probably cost me a couple thousand to get to the flop. Everyone else folded, and it was just Mike and I to see the flop.

The flop came down 10c-8c-4d, giving me the nut-flush draw to go with ace high, which easily could be the best hand. I thought a moment about checking to Mike, but if he were to move all in or something crazy like that, he may force me off the best hand.

I decided to take charge of the pot right there. I bet close to half my stack, sending the message to Mike, “If you raise me, I’m coming.” I bet $15,000. Mike pondered for a little while. His instincts were good, as I was in fact bluffing, although I did have a powerful draw. Finally, he said, “I’m all in.”

Oh well, looks like this was it — the defining moment for me. I had too much money in to dump my draw. “I call.” Then came the moment of anticipation. I knew I won with any club, but would an ace also do it for me? What about a 6? I couldn’t know for sure until I saw Mike’s hand.

Mike turned over the 7-4 offsuit! This was awesome for me. Not only were all of my outs live, I actually had the best hand. Huh? Well, while I couldn’t beat a pair of fours yet, I would win this pot more than 53 percent of the time, which by definition makes it the best hand.

I hit the club on the turn and it was all over for Mike. “Yeah, I knew I had the best hand,” said Mike.

“No you didn’t; I had the best hand, Mike.”

“What are you talkin’ about? I had the pair on the flop!” exclaimed Mike. Rather than get into a heated argument with him, I thought it would be best to just shut my mouth and get back to the task at hand.

Daniel thought he had the best hand, and he was right. This also illustrates a major poker rule. Always draw to the nuts, don't draw to the second best hand.


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