Monday, July 05, 2004


THE IMMORTAL NICK FREILICH: plays at the Hustler Casino in Los Angeles. Here's his story, with a good tip for playing against casino dead money:

There was this barely-legal Phil Ivey clone sitting at the end of a table, next to this japanese trophy wife of yore. With my A-X suited combo, I flop the nut flush. Not only that, but by the time all is said and done, I'm a 10d away from a royal flush. But meanwhile, Phil Ivey and the trophy wife are betting into me, raising, re-raising: and I am announcing to the entire table that I have the nuts. I am telling everyone that there is no way they can beat my hand. But the two keep raising me. He, predictably, has a straight to the Ace and she has one pair. I've found that if you're playing really raw rookies, you'll get more action if you act crazy and talk up your hand because they get this 'I GOTTA SEE THE HAND' sort of mentality.

On one hand i want all these fanboys to go back to playing madden on PS2 and stop coming here with no necks and raising with pocket 2s because they saw T.J. Cloutier do it. On the other, I like taking their money.


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