Monday, August 02, 2004


THIS WEEKEND'S GAME: In a game with friends, this weekend had its share of thrills. On one memorable hand, four way action, everyone checked to me on the button. I raised $5 (a big raise in our game) and after checking on the flop, everyone called! You guys are maniacs!

One of the more interesting situations came up when I picked up the Kh-4h. I called a raise in the big blind against two players, hoping to hit my hand and pick up a big pot as I was shortstacked. I was rewarded when the flop came out down Js-4s-4d. I'd flopped a set with a good kicker. Yet suddenly I had someone going all-in on me for about $10 bucks, which is what I had left.

I had to think--does this guy have the J-J? He had raised preflop...or he might easily have A-J. Alternately, he could have the nut flush draw. After all, he had raised preflop, and there was a big likelihood I didn't have the four and would fold to an all-in bet.

I concluded he probably didn't have a better hand that mine, and was on a draw. If he really thought I didn't have a two, I might just as easily fold to an $8 bet, or something similar.

I also had to think about the guy acting behind me. Did he have the other four with the ace kicker? There were a lot of hands that could beat me but if so, I was just going to pay them off.

I called and the next person to play folded. My opponent had the Ks-10s. Well, he had a chance but so did I. Then the turn brough another Jack, giving me a full house and leaving him drawing dead. I later found out the player that folded to the all-in had the A-J. Good laydown, bad result.

Overall I came out a teensy bit up, but I was definitely not playing my best in a loose game.


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