Sunday, January 02, 2005


I'M ONLINE: After some credit card issues, I finally got to play my first bout of online poker with my own money. Yay!

I chose the SN snowman415. The snowman represents my new favorite hand, 8-8. I chose that hand because I've never won a big pot with it, and I felt my luck was about to change. I will play it superstituously and religiously from now on.

I'm now up $20 from my initial entry of $100. I busted some folks and generally played tentatively. My first crucial laydown came in this hand. I'd appreciate someone's thoughts on this.

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, and that's sure gonna change. Happy New Year!

***** Hand History for Game 1382695632 *****
0/0 TexasHTGameTable (NL) - Sun Jan 02 22:39:31 EST 2005
Table Table 23837 (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: BobbyHustle ( $25.45)
Seat 2: bullhauler7 ( $28.9)
Seat 3: UMLPOSSE ( $10.6)
Seat 4: cw_lasers ( $27.5)
Seat 5: rentaprog ( $19.28)
Seat 6: snowman415 ( $37.03)
Seat 7: SkyInTheSea ( $40.17)
Seat 8: jpena ( $20.67)
Seat 9: Sparkdog55 ( $82.44)
Seat 10: cojacked ( $25.65)
SkyInTheSea posts small blind (0.25)
jpena posts big blind (0.5)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to snowman415 [ Ks, Js ]
Sparkdog55 folds.
cojacked calls (0.5)
BobbyHustle folds.
cw_lasers folds.
rentaprog calls (0.5)
snowman415 calls (0.5)
SkyInTheSea calls (0.25)
jpena checks.

Here I picked up K-Js on the button and I just limped in with this trouble hand. The flop came down:

** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jd, 6h, 3c ]
SkyInTheSea checks.
jpena checks.
cojacked bets (3)
rentaprog folds.
snowman415 calls (3)
SkyInTheSea folds.
jpena calls (3)

Here's where I think I probably made my mistake. By raising I shut out a 6 when there's not too much else on the board.

** Dealing Turn ** : [ 6d ]

jpena checks.
cojacked checks.
snowman415 bets (4)
jpena raises (10) to 10
cojacked folds.
snowman415 folds.

I decided to represent a 6 here. I figured a guy might fold a hand like A-J. When he raised, I went in the tank. I had to think he had a 6, especially since he might have just called with a hand like A-J. Or, he might have gotten lucky and flopped two pair. Either way, I assumed I was beat and through the hand away. Did I play this one real badly?

** Summary **
Main Pot: $24.55 | Rake: $0.95
Board: [ Jd 6h 3c 6d ]
BobbyHustle balance $25.45, didn't bet (folded)
bullhauler7 balance $28.9, sits out
UMLPOSSE balance $10.6, didn't bet (folded)
cw_lasers balance $27.5, didn't bet (folded)
rentaprog balance $18.78, lost $0.5 (folded)
snowman415 balance $29.53, lost $7.5 (folded)
SkyInTheSea balance $39.67, lost $0.5 (folded)
jpena balance $31.72, bet $13.5, collected $24.55, net +$11.05
Sparkdog55 balance $82.44, didn't bet (folded)
cojacked balance $22.15, lost $3.5 (folded


Blogger Gideon Friedman said...

This is a pretty tough hand to read as he was the second caller on the flop, didn't reraise then, then came over the top on the turn. He was also in the BB, so it is possible he had a 6, maybe even the 6-3 full boat. Final Verdict - Good Lay Down. Huge Lay Down.

12:27 PM  

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