Saturday, December 04, 2004


I am jtg2001
#Game No : 1259681913
***** Hand History for Game 1259681913 *****
$25 NL Hold'em - Saturday, December 04, 19:47:05 EDT 2004
Table Table 14096 (6 max) (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 1: Rubrducky ( $17.1 )
Seat 3: dihythefish ( $16.15 )
Seat 5: banglank ( $55.95 )
Seat 6: colsha ( $88.8 )
Seat 8: jtg2001 ( $40.05 )
Rubrducky posts small blind [$0.25].
dihythefish posts big blind [$0.5].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to jtg2001 [ 4c 4d ]
banglank calls [$0.5].
kidnaldo has joined the table.
colsha folds.
jtg2001 calls [$0.5].
Rubrducky folds.
dihythefish checks.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 7c, 4s, Kc ]
dihythefish checks.
banglank checks.
kidnaldo has left the table.
jtg2001 checks.
** Dealing Turn ** [ 3s ]
dihythefish bets [$2].
banglank folds.
jtg2001 raises [$7].
dihythefish raises [$13].
jtg2001 calls [$8].
** Dealing River ** [ 4h ]
dihythefish is all-In.
jtg2001 calls [$0.65].
dihythefish shows [ 5d, 6c ] a straight, three to seven.
jtg2001 shows [ 4c, 4d ] four of a kind, fours.
jtg2001 wins $31.4 from the main pot with four of a kind, fours.


Blogger Galen said...

Before the flop, you were at 52.6% with the quads against the 5 6's 47.4%. After the flop, you were at 72% to 28% with the bottom set. When he made is straight on the turn, you were at 22.7% to his 77.3%. You had ten outs = the board pairing or the last 4. Winning with the last four was just so sexy though.

2:52 AM  

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