Thursday, January 06, 2005


ONLY ON PARTY POKER: I'm glad I have a good attitude about suffering these kinds of horrific beats. I'm the snowman, as per usual.

#Game No : 1401012046
***** Hand History for Game 1401012046 *****
$25 NL Hold'em - Friday, January 07, 00:11:22 EDT 2005
Table Table 11217 (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 1: NYIslesGuru ( $33.3 )
Seat 2: chris6800 ( $24.75 )
Seat 4: akiy0003 ( $23.75 )
Seat 7: dshelle ( $74.1 )
Seat 10: NaturalAA ( $42.28 )
Seat 9: snowman415 ( $27.2 )
Seat 3: Unfor2n8 ( $39 )
Seat 5: MASTERC98 ( $10 )
Seat 8: Sevush ( $25 )
akiy0003 posts small blind [$0.25].
MASTERC98 posts big blind [$0.5].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to snowman415 [ Ah Qh ]
dshelle calls [$0.5].
snowman415 calls [$0.5].
NaturalAA folds.
NYIslesGuru raises [$2].
chris6800 folds.
Unfor2n8 folds.
akiy0003 calls [$1.75].
MASTERC98 folds.
dshelle folds.
snowman415 calls [$1.5].
** Dealing Flop ** [ Ts, Js, Kd ]
akiy0003 checks.
snowman415 checks.
NYIslesGuru bets [$5].
akiy0003 folds.
snowman415 is all-In [$25.2]
NYIslesGuru calls [$20.2].
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ad ]
** Dealing River ** [ As ]
SAINTCHRIS22 has joined the table.
NYIslesGuru shows [ Jh, Jc ] a full house, Jacks full of aces.
snowman415 shows [ Ah, Qh ] a straight, ten to ace.
NYIslesGuru wins $54.55 from the main pot with a full house, Jacks full of aces.
Game #1401017300 starts.



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