Tuesday, January 11, 2005


LETTER FROM GILAD MUTH: Friend of pokerhand.blogspot.com Gilad Muth writes of his experience playing at Foxwoods during winter break...

So break has been pretty nice. As you probably know, I've been spending some quality hours at Foxwoods and it has been really great. It is a lot of fun to play with some of those guys, especially when you're in a hand with them because they do a pretty good job showing you when they have the better hand. Saves you a lot of money ;)

After about 2 hours at the woods, I suffered a bad call from this maniac because I thought I had a good read on him. Oh well. Anyway, my stack is a little below 100 and I pick up cowboys in middle position. There is one limpers and I make it 15 to go. Only one callers in the small blind. I know the guy isn't that great, so I figure that I'm going to get some money out of him.

Flop comes Q J 5. He checks and I bet about 20. He calls. I get a bit scared that he might have hit a set, especially considering that he called from the small blind. Probably jacks or queens, but then again, maybe he would ahve reraised me preflop with that hand....this is foxwoods afterall. Turn comes a blank and he checks to me. Now I know that he doesn't have anything so I move all-in and he quickly calls. I get scared for a bit because of the quick call but am relieved when he flips over A 10. While he doesn't hit an ace on the river, another king hits (which does give me a set) but gives him broadway. I guess what's worse then being burned by a 3-outer is being burned by a 2-outer.

I proceed to mumble under my breath about how bad of a call it was and that in the long run I'll get that guys money. The guy sitting to my right laughs at me and is like "Sorry that's how poker works." I tried to explain to him the odds, but he laughed in my face after telling me how he saw one guy get pocket aces 3 times out of 5. Well I guess if those are his ideas of probability, then he is welcome at my table any day.


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