Wednesday, January 19, 2005


PLAYING A MADE HAND: This is a situation that came up recently and I wanted to ask what people think of my decision.

I have $50 in the SB and pick up the Candyman special, 8-8. I raise 5 and get called by the BB who has about $38. The flop comes 8-5-3 rainbow. The BB had been calling preflop raises and stealing it after the flop all day so I bet 5 and he immediately reraises to 15.

Now I was faced with a decision, go over the top for his last $18 or call and try to suck the rest out on the turn. I decided to go all-in and after 10 seconds, he folded. Afterward, I questioned my choice because had I called, he would have been pot committed and a huge dog. The only conceivable way he could have beat me was if he had a higher pair and then made trips on the turn or river.

This was an interesting situation to me because going all-in was actually safer than just calling. Because he only had $18 left, there was a good chance he would call and I would probably win, if he folds, I net $20+. If I just called, and the turn is higher than an 8 and he goes all-in, I am faced with a decision and the point of hold ‘em is to make your opponent make decisions for his entire stack is it not?

My opinion is that I probably could have made more on the hand, but given the amount in the pot, the relatively small amount he had left in his stack and the chance that he would call my all-in raise without seeing the turn, made going all-in the right move. But what do you think?


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