Wednesday, January 12, 2005


To me, no hand exemplifies the frustration of playing hold em like the JJ. You look down at what appears to be a monster hand, but if you get any callers and the flop has an A,K or Q, you are suddenly on the defensive.
Because of this, the preflop betting is the most important round when holding JJ. JJ is a hand I never would limp with because you have to make players fold hands like K10, or suited K or Q high hands. At the same time, you don't want to raise too much because then you are most likely only getting called by the fearsome foursome (AA, KK, QQ, AK) of which your best hope becomes a coin flip against AK.

Yesterday on Party Poker, I picked up JJ twice within 5 minutes and it ruined me. The first time I was in the SB with about $40, the guy on the dealer button raises $6 and I called. The BB then reraises to $20, the dealer reraises all-in for 60. Now I have the choice to call my remaining $34 most likely against two players as the I am sure the BB will call. I have to assume both players have "fearsome foursome" hands so I unhappily fold. BB calls, the flop, turn and river are all blanks and they both flip over AK for a split pot! I would have tripled up. Maybe if I was against one player I would have called, but the chances that they both had AK (only making me a bigger favorite) were too small (not that I even considered it).
Three hands later, I pick it up again and have a vision of myself 2 minutes from then, closing my computer slowly and walking away trying to maintain some calm. The guy who was the dealer in the previous hand raises 6, I call, flop comes blanks, he raises 15, I go all in for 12 more, he calls, flips over Aces and that was that. I would say I played this hand poorly, although I was out of position and in his shoes, I could see myself making that same bet with AK instead of AA.
Any comments on how you think of JJ would be much appreciated as the hand now has me completely baffled.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Gideon,

I've started putting Jacks in the category of a low pocket pair. Too many times you are burned by them, as evident in your two posts. But since hold em is such a conditional game, I would play them depending on the game. If I pick up jacks in late position and there are a bunch of limpers to me, I'm raising because I want to get the pot heads up. It the flop comes low, I'm firing away.

I think I would also raise with jacks on either of the blinds. The hand is worthless post-flop out of position, unless you get a money flop.

Early position....definite limper. If it's raised, I'll call depending on how many others call.

9:28 AM  

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