Monday, August 23, 2004


PLAYING HEADS UP LAST NIGHT: Hand that happened to me last night playing heads up with my roommate Feuerstein.

I had the Q-J out of position. I raised a few dollars and Feuer called.

Flop came down A-Q-K of all different suits.

I bet 2 dollars and got called.

Turn card was another Q. I was jumping for joy as I had three queens and a 10 would give me the nut straight. The only hands I was dead to were A-A and K-K. I checked and Feuer bet 8 dollars. I quickly called what I felt was a bluff.

River card was my 10, giving me the nut straight. I pooped my pants (just a little bit). I checked and Feuer immediately went to put me all in. I, of course, called.

I flipped over the nut straight and went to grab the chips inas Feuer showed the Q-10 for the full boat, Queens over tens.



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