Sunday, September 26, 2004


A READER WRITES IN: At least someone's reading this thing...

no Hand of the Day about your almost certain split pot with Feuer that turned into a flush and then him breaking a chair?

That really takes me back.

I picked up the Jc-10c and called a small preflop raise from the big blind. The flop came down 9s-8c-3d. Figuring no one had hit anything, I tried to pick up the pot. I said, "All-in."

Feuer, next to act, decided to call. He had the Jd-10d.

Bad call on his part, but whatever.

The turn and river came clubs, giving me a flush. He flipped out and broke my chair. Actually, it was already broken but I later stepped on a nail.

Bad Feuer!


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