Monday, August 30, 2004


HERE'S ONE: Watched the World Poker Tour celebrity home game to get a taste of what would happen every week on Celebrity Poker Showdown if Phil Gordon didn't teach the celebs to play tight.

Jon Favreau picked up the 6-6 in first position and raised. He got four callers.

The flop came down 6-J-6. Christmas in August for Favreau. He starts his little acting routine. In the Hollywood Home Game they are allowed to call for help once, so he calls Daniel Negreanu and Jennifer Harman over as a bluff move.

I didn't like this move because it obviously shows he has something. Whether the rest of the players believed it to be a 6 or a J, it's not good news when you've got the deck crippled.

So Favreau checks, and everybody else checks around. The 9 comes off. Favreau checks again, Mo Collins checks, Ben Affleck check. Ed Asner, holding the K-9 bets at it. Now with two people to act behind him, Favreau raises. Dumb move.

Affleck is a on a straight draw with the K-10, he can catch a queen to make a straight. He folds to the raise and Mo Collins folds as well.

So instead of keeping Affleck in the pot to the point where he could take all his money if the Queen falls, he raised and takes more of Ed Asner's money.

Naturally the Queen falls, and Favreau moves all in. I just don't like that play, and sure enough Asner was able to get away from it and finally win the tournament after Favreau bluffed off all his money with nothing while they played heads up.


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