Thursday, September 09, 2004


POKER LAST NIGHT: As I haven't yet started work on my classes, this leaves me plenty of time for poker.

Last night I beat eight other players to win all the money in tournament-style play.

Down to three dollars early on I put all my money in with the As-5c. I got called in one place (phew) and was up against the 6-6.

Flop came down 9-9-7 rainbow. Turn was an 8h, river was another seven to double me up. Deceptive hand, because I had 9-9-7-7-A and my opponent had 9-9-7-7-6.

Three pair often isn't the best hand, I guess.

After that I started playing some quality poker. One spot where I made a crucial laydown was when I had the Q-Q. I raised preflop, got two callers. Flop came down A-K-6. What a nightmare flop for queens. Betting immediately began and I had to fold those bad boys. Naturally the turn brought the Q which would have given me the winning hand.

Nevertheless I stayed in the hunt. The only time I really got superlucky was with the Ah-Jh up against Feuer's Ac-Qc. I made the heart flush for the win.

Then I busted Feuer heads-up for the win. A great feeling, especially after I had offered him a save when he had the chip lead.


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