Monday, September 06, 2004


TONIGHT'S GAME: Notable for two hands.

Once I had the 3h-2h. Flop came down Ah-Ks-Kd. I basically bet all-in with nothing. Feuer had the Kc-6s. Bad news for me.

Turn comes Jh. River is the Qh giving me the flush and win.

Sorry, Feuer.

I played well until the last hand. I had the Ah-2d.

I called the preflop raise 3-handed. Flop came down A-7-5. I checked, Feuer bet, Gideon called, I called.

The turn was a 7 and Feuer went all-in for around 12 dollars. Gideon called. With only 12 more dollars required, a massive chip lead, and a chance to bust both of my opponents who probably didn't know I had the A and I folded.

Feuer turned over the Q-Q and Gideon turned over the K-K. River was a blank and instead of eliminating both players I had lost the chip lead.

I retired shamefully thereafter.


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