Wednesday, October 13, 2004


SCOTT RETALIATES: with a description of his play in Hasebe's game this past Saturday. I was there, and recorded my break even session recently. I turn it over to Scott:

If I can take anything away from Saturday's poker game in Minden, run by Hasebe, it is not to drink beers when playing poker. I lost my first $20 right away, trying to outplay a kid who I had never played with. Then, I saw some good cards and with some discipline built my stack up to $40. Yet I pissed it all away when I moved over the top of a bet with top two pair but was quickly called by the straight. It was one of the worst plays I can recall making. But I do like this one way I played K-K. After looking down at this hand, I decided to play it a little differently than I normally do, not so aggressively.

There is one limper to me, when I raise a $1 with K-K on one of the blinds, just to get some money in. The flop comes Q-3-6. So I bet out a small amount, it might have even been wise to check here, and get raised by the limper. So he is obviously representing the Q here. So instead of reraising I just call, hoping to trap later. THe turn comes an A. This scares me a bit because he could have A-Q, but since he didnt raise preflop I cant put him on this hand. So I check and he bets out $4. Now I should have just checked here and then bet on the river, because he probably has like K-Q or Q-J, but I raise him all-in. He quickly folds, but at least I conveyed to the table that I was very aggressive.


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