Saturday, October 23, 2004


RIDICULOUS HAND: Anyone who can figure out the odds of this hand happening gets a prize.I think anyone who was at the game last night will agree that this hand was simply awesome.

In a seven-handed game, Alex is in the big blind with Ryan Goldberg under the gun and his IDENTICAL TWIN (important note) brother Scott immediately to his left.

Forgive me if I get the betting wrong, but I think this is what happened.

Ryan bet 4x the pot, Scott reraises by that amount, everyone folds to Alex who goes all-in and is called by both Goldbergs. Alex flips over Aces and both Goldbergs flip over pocket Kings!

Alex was a 96% favorite pre-flop. He ended up with the nut heart flush. So the question is, what is the probabilty of these three hands showing up together?

For extra credit, what is the probability that both pairs of kings are being held by identical twins?


Blogger Gideon Friedman said...

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4:20 PM  
Blogger Gideon Friedman said...

um, I was lying, there is no prize. There never was one.

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


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Bluffing is the art of making other players believe you have a better hand than you really have. If used correctly bluffing can help you enhance your profits ...

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7:01 AM  

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