Thursday, October 28, 2004


RESNICK BUSTS THE BLUE ROOM: Two hands I wish I'd been there for.

Do i pick up the 5-5 in the big blind, there are about four people in the pot, but nobody had raised. I raise to five, trying to steal the pot. the kid on my left (a real blue room asshole) raised to fifteen, so of course alarm bells go off. he's limping from the big blind and then triples my raise? something is fishy. either he has A-A or K-K or he has rags. I decided that the fifteen dollar raise showed weakness, if he was making a play to isolate me with his aces why not just push all in (against which i would have folded) so everyone folds and I call.

The flop comes 9s-5-2s, giving me the middle set.

after deliberating for some time i move all in, trying to scare of a the spade draw or perhaps induce a call from a hand like A-A. he calls instantly and turns over a 9-2 off suit (wtf?). the third two falls on the turn, giving him a full house, but giving me a better full house. I take down a fifty dollar pot.

Then busting Jared Mesznik:

I was on the button, picked up A Q off. Mez raises up to six before the flop, i call. There was one other player in there to my left. Flop comes 10 J K rainbow. Guy on my left raised five, mez goes all in for around thirty, I raise all in, guy on my left folds And then I showed mez the bad news. He had the J-9 of hearts, and picked up a flush draw on the turn. No heart came I won a huge one.


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