Saturday, November 06, 2004


MARCEL LUSKE FINALS: Unfortunately we had a disappointing turnout at the Marcel Luske Finals, as the only people that showed were Hasebe, Gideon, myself and Jake Sugarman.

Nevertheless, we had a very fun shorthanded game. I played OK, losing some coin flips early that would have made me the dominant chip leader.

One interesting hand is when I picked up the 5s-4s. I limped in on the big blind and the flop came down 5-5-7 rainbow.

Gideon immediately bet out, as he is wont to do in that spot. At this point when he does that I either put him on a 5 or nothing, since I doubt he'd play a pocket pair that way.

I called a small bet, and Hasebe immediately pushed all-in behind me. Gideon folded and I quickly called. He showed me the Q-Q.

Not a bad play on his part, because Gideon's bet he can write off, and I'm just smooth-calling? That reeks of a lower pocket pair.

So that's why I just called in that spot. Had there been a flush draw out there I certainly would have raised.

The most notable hands of the afternoon I wasn't even involved in.

Gideon picked up the A-8 offsuit and called a small raise in the small blind. The flop came down A-x-x, rainbow. He bet out and Jake moved all-in. Gideon quickly called and Jake showed him the K-K. Naturally, a K hit on the turn to give Jake the pot.

The second beat was even more egregious, but Gideon will have to tell that story.


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